
October 18, 2011

 If you want to be kept apprised when this site updates,
send an email to majordomo@plansandprojects.com with just "subscribe updateme" in the body of the email and nothing else. No signature, nothing. This will place your email address on a private list to receive updates similar to what you saw on the newsgroups.
(The body is the part where you write your email, do not put it in the subject line.)
This list will be used for nothing else.
To unsubscribe, send another email with just "unsubscribe updateme" in the body of the email. Nothing else. Each notification of a new update will also tell you how to be removed, in case you forget.

The wording has to be exact, or the software won't work.
I had to change this to automate it. I was getting too many requests for me to keep up by hand.

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